It only reduces the spacing between the letters. However, he has several years of experience working on the Microsoft Typography team.Ī unique feature of the font is that the thickness can be edited almost continuously from thin to bold. The font was designed by Seattle, WA-based distinguished typeface designer Aaron Bell. The Microsoft Typography Team began development on a custom version of the font in 2013 in response to the ongoing interest in DIN among designers at Microsoft. However, on a few traffic boards, it is still being applied. After releasing the new version, everyone stopped using the old version after 1980. In addition to that, it comprises 3 versions, including condensed and medium. The font is a newly formulated digitization of DIN 1451. It is commonly known for being used on traffic signals. However, DIN 1451 made its entry in the early 1930s. The font is based on the writing standard DIN 1451, which is used on traffic signs in Germany and the Czech Republic. Microsoft developed the font and included it in Windows 10 (Fall Creators Update, Build 16273) in fall 2017. Except that the font names were completely wacko.Fixed the font names in TransType.Three widths: Condensed, SemiCondensed, and Normal.Five weights: Light, SemiLight, Regular, SemiBold, and Bold.Total of 15 font files (in file below).I installed and tested in LibreOffice.The Bahnschrift font is a Sans Serif typeface. I spent a few minutes searching now if someone may have converted Bahnschrift to good old non-variable TTF files, but no luck so far.:-(FontLab has a feature to quickly export all the defined weight/width combos of a variable font.It worked great. Oh, yes, you are absolutely right.I did not notice a problem because somehow the buttons for making the font bold or italic work.But now I figure out it's not really the bold version of the font, but PSE does some magic with it.Comparing 'Arial Bold' with 'Arial Regular' and the bold button deliver different results.The difference between PSE 12 and Publisher is that Publisher disabled the'Character Traits' for 'Bold' and 'Italic' for some reason.Faux bold often doesn’t produce good results, even with a sans-serif font. My copy of Photoshop Elements 13 offers me ‘Bahnschrift Regular’ instead of ‘Bahnschrift’, and the dropdown list for the style is disabled.Oh, yes, you are absolutely right.I did not notice a problem because somehow the buttons for making the font bold or italic work.But now I figure out it's not really the bold version of the font, but PSE does some magic with it.Comparing 'Arial Bold' with 'Arial Regular' and the bold button deliver different results.The difference between PSE 12 and Publisher is that Publisher disabled the'Character Traits' for 'Bold' and 'Italic' for some reason.Ok.